
Just like alchemy can change or transform something in a mysterious or impressive way, a good cook can make something delicious from simple ingredients, or seemingly nothing at all. Over time, you’ll discover that a few recipes, and a lot of creativity, can take you very far.

Think about the perfection that is pesto. It’s basically fresh green herbs, oil, nuts and salt made into a paste. But pesto is the definition of alchemy. We traditionally think of basil pesto, when we think of pesto, but you can swap out and add so many other things to make an amazing condiment or sauce in dozens of different ways. Be an alchemist!

Swap-out greens
Basil- mint, parsley, spinach, cilantro, lemon balm, etc.

Swap-out oil
Olive oil- grapeseed oil, sunflower oil, sesame oil, chili oil

Swap-out nuts
Pine nuts- almonds, sesame seeds, walnuts, pistachios, hazelnuts, pumpkin seeds, peanuts

Grated cheese, garlic, red pepper flakes, scallions, ginger, lemon juice, avocado

Some samples of swap outs
Mint and Garlic Pesto, spread over lamb before cooking
Rosemary Pesto to go with steak
Cilantro and Avocado Pesto to go with chips and salsa
Parsley Scallion and Ginger Pesto to go over steamed fish
*Patak’s Curry Paste is also a pesto, and I spread it on chicken and fish before roasting and grilling, add it to soup, add it to mayo, and brush it on veggies before roasting.

Pure flavor
Pure flavor