Mixed Greens

You know I love a good salad after a meal. It cleanses the palate, and raw vegetables help aid in digestion.  The simplest salad is a mixed green salad, but once you master this, you can add anything you want and swap out the oils and vinegar to create endless flavors. Buy bottled dressing if you must, but with the exception of creamy blue cheese,  I think bottled dressing ruins a delicate salad.

Mixed greens like baby spinach, lettuce, arugula, fresh herbs, especially parsley
Extra virgin olive oil
Lemon juice or vinegar

Place clean, dry greens into a bowl
Drizzle lightly with olive oil (too much will make a soggy salad)
Add salt and pepper, toss gently with fingers
Squeeze lemon or drizzle vinegar (the ratio is always half the amount of olive oil you used)
Toss gently again

Sliced raw vegetables like tomatoes, cucumber, fennel, peppers, red onion, cabbage
Sliced fruit like oranges, apples, pears, grapefruit
Chopped nuts and seeds like almonds, pumpkin seeds, pecans, walnuts
Cheese like goat, feta, blue cheese, etc.

Oil and Vinegar Options
Grape Seed oil, sunflower oil, sesame oil, flavored oils, etc.
Balsamic vinegar, rice wine vinegar, flavored vinegar, lime juice, etc.